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Does Accenture Pay Overtime? The Truth

Consultants at Accenture work long and hard hours into the bitter-sweet night! But do they get paid overtime?

The answer to this is pretty complex.

Accenture’s overtime policy basically varies depending on your job position and the requirements of that role. Employees in managerial or senior roles don’t get any overtime, because they receive a handsome base salary package.

However, many employees are non-exempt. They are eligible for overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times their base pay.

They are entitled to overtime when:

  • Working more than 40 hours per week
  • Working on weekends or holidays

In this article, I’ll take a good look at:

  • How Accenture pays overtime
  • The company’s practices
  • How compensation for extra work hours is handled
Corporate skyscrapers seen from below, looking up to the sky

Accenture’s Overtime Compensation Structure

Accenture has a very clear compensation framework. Considering the size of the organization, they really need it to be transparent.

It boils down to one thing – employees at the company are divided into two categories: exempt and non-exempt.

This binary split determines whether you are eligible for overtime pay under Fair Labor Standards Act regulations. (Source)

In a nutshell, exempt employees are usually those in a management or experienced role. They are excluded from overtime compensation (becase they receive such a handsome base salary package).

On the other hand, there are non-exempt employees. These are roles such as:

  • Support staff
  • Specific consultants

They are eligible for overtime pay when they work beyond standard hours.

Let’s take a look at the eligibility criteria in more detail…

1. Overtime Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for overtime pay, then you must be a non-exempt employee – and that will be because you have met specific criteria.

I should say that Accenture are keen to make clear that they follow local labor laws and regulations concerning overtime. They comply across its global operations (and so it will be a little different around the world).

The following criteria may be slightly different in your country or region.

Overtime eligibility is based on the total hours worked each week.

So once an employee surpasses the threshold (which is 40 in most regions), then overtime is payable. (Source)

2. Overtime Compensation Rates

Accenutre tries to keep its overtime compensation rates as fair as possible.

There are a few factors that will influence it, such as:

  • An employee’s job level
  • Local labor laws
  • Nature of the project for which they worked overtime

Generally speaking, Accenture follows a ‘time-and-a-half’ approach. This is where employees receive one and a half times (1.5X) their regular hourly rate for each overtime hour worked.

In some countries, though, this rate may go as high as 2X on occasion!

Accenture makes sure all employees know where they stand! This helps to stop confusion or disputes (neither of which are much fun!).

3. Overtime Management and Approval Process 

As you might expect, there is a pretty systematic approach to managing overtime hours.

For those eligible, employees must seek prior approval from their managers for overtime work. This makes sure that their overtime is in alignment with project requirements.

The big thing is open communication between managers and employees over overtime!

They try to keep everything as transparent as possible with regards to:

  • Workload
  • Deadline
  • Project demand

This keeps quality high and avoids staff burnout!

I’m a big consulting forums geek, and on one of these I saw an Accenture internee say, “You either won’t get more than 40 hours of work a week or will be expected to work past the 40 hours without reporting it, and if you disagree, get prepared to get screwed by that manager during your performance evaluations for not being a good fit.” (Source)

She also claimed her manager said, “Don’t be the douche that demands to go against the status quo just to make some extra money in the short term. It’s your first year; it’ll be a rounding error in the long run.” (Source)

Here’s a summarized table of Accenture’s compensation structure:

Compensation StructureExempt employees are illegible for overtime pay, while non-exempt are. 
Overtime Eligibility Only Non-exempt employees qualify for overtime pay.
Overtime Pay RatesAccenture generally pays employees one and a half times their regular hourly rate for each overtime hour. 
Approval ProcessEmployees must seek prior approval from their managers for overtime work.
Corporate skyscraper buildings in city, seen from the street level.
All consulting jobs come with demanding working schedules

Accenture Other Benefits & Rewards: Alternatives to Overtime Pay

Overtime is not the only thing on offer at Accenture. They make sure there are a range of benefits and rewards to keep their employees sweet.

They perks are designed to support employees’:

  • Well-being
  • Work-life balance
  • Overall satisfaction

Let’s explore each of them in detail:

1. Bonuses

Accenture has a lucrative bonus program. This is for high achievers, that have demonstrated exceptional achievements.

These programs are great for rewarding outstanding performance. They serve as a financial incentive and a great motivation to help employees excel. (Source)

2. Performance Equity

This one is a bit more complex. In a nutshell, Accenture rewards exceptional performance through something called ‘leadership equity grants’.

What on earth are these?

Well, these grants are basically financial rewards. Employees will often receive one of these when they experience a significant career milestone.

3. Alternate Work Arrangements

Accenture is pretty vocal in its promotion of the importance of a work-life balance.

Part of the deal is that it offers all employees flexible work arrangements. Employees may be able to:

  • Sometimes work remotely
  • Sometimes work flexible hours

This helps employees meet business and personal needs at the same time.

4. Paid Time Off

We all need time away from work to recharge!

Accenture employees receive paid time off, including vacations and sick leave. The amount of leave depends on:

  • An employee’s level
  • Their time within the company


PTOs allow them to:

  • Take breaks
  • Relax
  • Spend quality time with loved ones
  • Pursue personal interests.

5. Holidays

Accenture provides paid standard holidays. It also pays for culture days.

They days help employees celebrate important cultural or personal events.

6. Wellness Program

And there’s more!

Accenture also prioritizes the health and well-being of its employees. They offer some of the following:

  • App tracking fitness
  • A Wellness program
  • Training in nutrition and resiliency

And it gets better!

Those who actively participate and work towards their wellness goals can actually earn cash rewards. They are paid these quarterly!

7. Additional Benefits

Here are a few more assorted benefits that you may well receive as an Accenture employee:

  • Free annual flu shots
  • Access to a legal services plan
  • Personal excess liability insurance
  • Theft insurance
  • Gym membership discounts
  • An online mall providing discounts on various retail offerings


Summing Up

Accenture does pay overtime for support staff and some kinds of consultants. However, if you’re higher up in the company in a managerial or senior role, then don’t go expecting any!


  • Will Bennett

    Will Bennett is a Cambridge graduate. He worked as a Consultant and Senior Consultant at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in London. Will is the Founder of The Cambridge Consultant.